Cardsharing Server, IPTV!.

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    NEW IPTV SERVER-1 ACTIVATED on our site PRICE: 5.0,-€/mo ONLY!!! or 4.0,-€/mo/12months ordering.
Here is: all 20000 channels-list! +VOD and Serials! IPTV FREE TEST AVAILABLE!
Προσφέρουμε: 223 Eλληνικά Kανάλια IPTV!
Wir Bieten: 743 Deutsche IPTV-Kanäle an!
¡Ofrecemos: 717 Canales de IPTV Españoles!
Oferujemy: 467 Polskich Kanałów IPTV!
Kínálunk: 98 Magyar IPTV Csatornát!
Offre: 1152 Chaînes IPTV Françaises!!
And more... UK, USA, Scandinav, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Latin America, Africa, Caribbean, Asia etc...
IPTV 20000 Channels Price: 2.0,-€/month!

        Hot-News from CardSharing-Portal:
Xmas Discount (2023-12-22 06:59:30)
order any pack Server5 6months and get +1month BONUS!!! (after ordering write PM to Admin)
NTV+ (2023-12-03 07:40:44)
3new ident for NTV+: - 060C00 - 050C00 - 060A00
prices 2023 (2022-11-29 09:08:31)
2022 updates: We inform all our users, that for all known reasons with energy we are forced to raise prices for 1.00euro for all packages from 2022.12.01
SKY-DE (2022-06-30 20:15:27)
Important news: 23 June 2022: SkyDE activate ICAM protection (Pairing CSA3), which is not hacked. ((( At near future SkyDE will aplicate ICAM protection on all channels. ((( Same protection few years ago implement Sky Italia and Sky UK providers, and stil not hacked. (the chance is < 1%) Get ready to have black screen soon (((
NTV+ (2022-02-11 07:43:29)
From febr,10 2022 global problems on all servers, not only on ours.
To fix problem you should use ONLY this EMUs with settings:
- OScam (ver. 2021 and upper) add line in reader: disablecrccws = 1
- Wicardd 1.19 - add line: force_crypted_cw = 1
- MgCamd1.46 (not lower!)
- CCcam 2.3.9 (not lower!)
- XCamClient2 - update to 18.12.21, (last ver.), and add line: disablecrccws=1
SERVER-2 (2021-08-31 15:28:29)
More packs added to VIP-ALL Server-2! Please check settings page!
Polsat, NC+ on Server-3 (2021-08-23 11:16:35)
SERVER-3: NEW Ports for NC+: - 1884:000000 - 702 - 0B01:000000 - 726 - 1813:000000,000068 - works only with cccam on port- 777 and camd3 port 770. NC+works perfect with: - MgCamd1.46 (and+) 
 - CCcam 2.3.9 (and+) 
- Wicardd 1.19 (reader should have line: force_crypted_cw=1) 
- OScam (reader should have line: disablecrccws=1) PolSat got new Caid 1861:000000 on port 728
SKY DE (2021-05-10 06:58:55)
Server-5: SkyDE provider has initiated cards replacement V13 to V15 which is not possible to share. All SkyDe and VIP all subscribers are requested not to buy and not to extend subscription to that package, and do not charge your account, as it will stop working in the nearest future (Summer 2021). No refunds. Users can use balance only for buying subscriptions. This is not administration liability, if a problem with provision of services arises not due to a fault of the server (applying new methods of protection by provider). Administration reserves the right to change content of the packages, delete or add channels (packages) without preliminary notification and any compensation. Thank you for understanding.
New CCCAM (2021-04-24 09:06:37)
patched CCcam 2.3.9 emulator for MIPS and ARM receivers with new NC+ caid 1813. -
NC+ Server-3 (2021-04-24 09:01:53)
On server-3 we try to add new caid 1813. So, maybe some problem with old caid 1803. Hope, problem will be fixed asap.
Fire exident on datacenter (2021-03-17 05:17:30)
Maybe you know: for some days on March, 10-12 our sites were down... News about it.
So, some ip for our service may be changed. Please, check new IP from Settings-Page! If problem not fixed pls contact Admin!
SKY-LINK Frequencies (2020-11-20 16:59:07)
SKYLINK NEWS 18.11.2020 8 channels: Extreme Sports, Spektrum Home, Cinemax HD, Cinemax 2 HD, Lala TV, CBS Reality, HBO 2 HD and HBO 3 HD are temporarily out of order. All other channels should work on new frequency.
SKY-LINK Server-3 (2020-11-20 16:56:36)
Skylink (CZ) CAID changed on port 716
- caid 0D96 switched-off on our server (will be closed by provider)
- NEW caid 0624 (0624:000000)
Server-5 (2019-08-28 10:43:54)
Some Packs on Server-5 is closed/renamed... eg. VIP-Europe - same as VIP-ALL!
Server-2 (2019-09-19 10:42:58)
Server-3 SKY-DE (2020-01-01 10:41:27)
NEW CAID, PORT ADDED! Please check settings page!
Server-5 Sky DE (2020-01-21 10:40:32)
2020-01-21 in case you are using newcamd protocol you must connect to both ports - 09c4 and 098C. Please update your emulator configs! All settings you will find on settings page.
Deutsch Channels (2020-05-14 10:21:42)
Kabel Deutschland and Unitymedia cable packages for German customers in beta-mode added on Server-5. The package can be accessed by VIP ALL subscribers.
SKY-DE (2019-10-27 16:53:24)
Important news: 23 October 2019: Dear subscribers, Please be informed that from October 21, 2019 SkyDe provider has started launching new encryption of the channels (OVERCRYPT). At the moment, all channels from transponder 11914H are encrypted and cannot be shared. As we think, all SkyDe channels will be re-encrypted in the nearest future. We are looking for solution... We recommend NOT TO BUY SkyDe subscription for a long period.
SKY-DE NEW FILES (2019-06-04 08:25:45)
SKY-DE (2019-04-19 20:59:58)
Important news: 19 April 2019: We have added new version of emulator MgCamd 1.45c (Mips) with SkyDe support. You can download it here- 17 April 2019: SkyDE provider made changes on some channels. Right now those channels are working only in MgCamd 1.45c or OSCAM emulator (cccam or newcamd protocol). For Oscam it is important to add into file oscam.server to [reader] section new parameter - disablecrccws = 1
VIASAT (2018-12-19 07:10:22)
13 December 2018: Dear clients, as was already mentioned in the news dated September 18, 2018, Viasat provider has launched protection of almost all channels available in the package. Currently, roughly 20 channels such as TV1000 Action East FSS, Viasat Nature East FSS, Viasat History FSS, Explorer/Spice FSS and some others are working. As soon as protection hack solution appears, it will be added to the server.
VIASAT (2018-09-18 20:07:51)
× Important news: 18 September 2018: Viasat provider has changed his encryption to Videoguard Caid 0940 and the Viasat channels were partially transferred to MPEG-4 format applying additional encryption (protection). These channels cannot be currently shared. Now, we are working at the issue for the purpose of running the maximum possible number of channels in new encryption, where additional protection is not applied yet. If none of the Viasat channels are working for you, please compare your receiver settings with those provided in the billing! In case the new protection is applied to all Viasat channels, the package will be removed from the billing and will not be sold any more. Please avoid purchasing Viasat subscription for long-time period! We cannot guarantee its sharing ability in the future.
SERVER-5 (2018-04-30 18:41:48)
Please CHANGE IP in settings! main IP: backuo IP: All changes - on settings page!
SERVER-5 (2018-04-28 23:16:58)
SORRY we have HARD dddos attack on server... so mazbe any problem on servers 5 and 7 all wasted days will be compansated!
SKYLINK SERVER-5 Changes (2018-01-31 10:53:47)
SKYLINK - CHANGES ON SERVER-5: Irdeto cards with CAID 0624 added to SkyLink HD package. With disabled Cryptoworks encryption with CAID 0D96, we will transfer channel decoding to Irdeto cards with CAID 0624. At the moment, with Irdeto cards CAID 0624, only one channel is working - "С Music". Clients connecting CS using cccam protocol, no changes are required! Clients connecting CS using newcamd protocol are requested to connect to the newly created port specified on GET SETTINGS page!
Server-1 replaced with Server-5! (2017-11-28 09:30:42)
ATTENTION!!! SERVER-1 was FULLY REPLACED with SERVER-5!!! ALL SETTINGS/PORTS/IP/LOGIN/PASSWORD - SAME!!! If place new ordering or renewal - ALL WILL BE SAME!!! Just on our site no more Server-1 (replaced with server-5!)
New IP on server-4 (2017-09-04 17:56:09)
If have any problem with decoding please add new ip for so, you can use now 2 and new one ip can be deleted!
SKY UK (2017-05-19 10:56:35)
Most SD channels stopped decoding from clients. The problem is not on our server! The server continues to decode the CW and sends it to the client DW. The problem is global, in additional protection (encryption) on the client side. The provider now use the new iCam coding. Answer from the card (DW), the receiver must be decoded by an unknown key according to an unknown algorithm. At the moment only original Sky receivers are able to correctly process the response from the card. We remind once again that the problem is not on our server side! We are waiting for hacking iCam and new firmware for client drivers from the manufacturer with iCam support, we hope this will happen in the near future and all channels will work again. Before this period, you can stop your subscription or purchase a new subscription to any other package (contact admin for refund). We are sorry and hope that we will be able to find a solution in the near future and resume the SkyUK package.
Cardsharing Active Channels List (2016-12-19 19:01:01)
CHECK LIST of active channels on our servers! -
Bein Sports (2016-05-14 17:46:04)
We just added cardsharing of channels BeIn Sports 1 HD and BeIn Sports 2 HD from Hot Bird 13E VIP-All Server-1, Server-5!
Canal-Digital DK Server-5 (2016-05-03 17:34:59)
DK Channels are active! Please check ACTIVE channels-list:
Canal-Digital DK Server-5 (2016-03-10 08:40:11)
We have some problem with DK channels on server-5! C.Digital DK running on servers 6,8! If you need DK channels please write PM to dr.Freak with subject C.D. DK S-5 and we will recount your balance with refund remaining days/months. After you can place new ordering! Sorry! Thanks for understanding! Regards.
For All Users pac Canal Digital Nordic (2016-01-27 13:20:48)
Cmore Live 1-4 - PPV not supported via cardsharing.
Fotboll HD - PPV Separate matches as bonus will be probably available.
Hockey HD - PPV Separate matches as bonus will be probably available.
In the test mode until the end of this week will are available on the server-7.
SKY DE ALL Servers !!! (2016-01-21 13:45:00)
The SkyDE package (CAID:098C) is again available to the order on all our servers,
as the separate order and as a bonus in VIP packages - VIPALL; VIPAstra; VIPGermany!
We recommend strongly not to do the order more than for one month as we can not give a guarantee that the package can stop the work on the reasons independent of us.
Pleasant Viewing!

Das Paket von SkyDE (CAID:098C) ist wieder für die Ordnung auf allen unseren Servern,
als die getrennte Ordnung und als ein Bonus in VIP-Paketen - VIPALL; VIPAstra; VIPGermany!
Wir empfehlen stark, die Ordnung mehr nicht zu tun, als seit einem Monat, weil wir keine Garantie geben können, dass das Paket die Arbeit an den von uns unabhängigen Gründen aufhören kann.
Angenehme Betrachtung!
SKY DE ALL Servers !!! (2015-11-19 09:52:11)
On November 18, 2015 the Sky Deutschland provider transferred all transponders to MPEG-4 broadcasting format.
All clients need to recustomize the receivers.
New settings:
1) 11171H, 22000, 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK
2) 11332H, 22000, 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK
3) 11720H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK
4) 11759H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK
5) 11797H, 27500, 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
6) 11875H, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK
7) 11914H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK
8) 11992H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK
9) 12032H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK
10) 12071H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK
11) 12304H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK
12) 12382H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK

SKY DE (2015-11-19 08:57:44)
18 November 2015 Sky Deutschland has switched all the transponders to DVB-S2. All customers need to reconfigure their receivers. Here are new settings: 11171H, 22000, 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK 11332H, 22000, 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK 11720H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK 11759H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK 11797H, 27500, 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK 11875H, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK 11914H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK 11992H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK 12032H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK 12071H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK 12304H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK 12382H, 27500, 9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK Warning! It is greatly to be feared, that SkyDe package will stop working after January 18, 2016. Therefore, we strongly encourage to buy a subscription to the package for no more than one month.
Viasat Nordic server-1 (2015-04-26 17:57:22)
New cards of access and the added new port are added to a package.
Viasat DK + FIN - CAID 093E
Viasat NOR + SWE + HD - CAID 090F
Make changes to settings and check that caids would not be in ignore.list.
Pleasant viewing!
SKY D server-1 (2015-02-26 12:16:10)
On the server-1 in pacs VIP`s Germany;Astra;All
- Sky Deutchland is started on the new CAID:098C (Videoguard) cards

Pleasant viewing!!!
(9E) Kabelkiosk (2015-01-17 14:59:02)
(9E) Kabelkiosk it is available with the complete list of HD channels now!
The package is again available
to the order on the server-7!
Pleasant viewing !!
SKY IT (2014-11-23 16:03:10)
the SKY IT package temporarily is on reconstruction,
is available only as a bonus in packages on the
VIPALL and VIPHB on server-1
VIPALL on server-4!
We apologize for the inconvenience.
SKY IT (2014-10-21 12:30:53)
Update your configuration files (priority and ignore)
X: { 09 3B }- should not be in ignore.list

Pleasant viewing
Admin dr.Smolett.
new ip servers (2014-10-17 12:27:53)
On the server-1 a planned transfer on new more powerful servers is made, after activation of your order surely check your current ip of the server.
Check the section User`s Menu:"Settings (CardSharing)" our site!

Pleasant viewing !!
Admin dr.Smolett.
SKY IT (2014-10-10 11:25:53)
SKY IT -The package died for use via a cardsharing!
This package is not available for sale on all our servers,
you have seen that the package is not available on sale and still make an order is only your problem!

The estimated forecast, Sky UK and YES packages will be the following!
Canal Digital Nordic (Canal_Digital) server-7 (2014-08-20 13:38:37)
Disney channel (N) and BBC entertainment (N)
add to pac !!!
Pleasant viewing !!
new super channels (2014-07-10 18:54:47)
Eutelsat 36B, 36.0°E
TV 1000 Comedy HD
TV 1000 Megahit HD
TV 1000 Premium HD
Viasat Nature/History HD
Viasat Sport HD
add pack NTV+ (NTV) and VIP
11938R DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4/HD/Viaccess 4.0/5.0, SR 27500, FEC 3/4.
Pleasant viewing !!
Primafila in Sky-Italia. (2014-07-03 13:07:09)
Inform all our Users, that Primafila is active in Sky-Italia package on Servers-3!!!

    Sort by:

Author: Master 27-12-2024, 10:11
Cardsharing Packages
CardSharing Offers, CardSharing VIP-ALL

    CardSharing VIP-ALL  
(CardSharing Offers)
on Eutelsat 36A/36B at 36.0°E, ABS 1 at 75.0°E, Horizons 2 & Intelsat 15 at 85.0°E, Hot Bird 13A/13B/13C at 13.0°E, Astra 4A & SES 5 at 4.9°E

Bulsatcom 39E /Polaris Media - 1.9E: 4AEE:000000
Love nature 4K, MyZen 4K, Museum 4K -13E: 10727 H 30000, 12380 V 30000 0500:051A00,051A10,051A40
TNT SAT France 19E: 0500:030B00
BIS TV 13E: 0500:051A00,051A10,051A40
English Club TV HD - 5E: 11747:V:30000 0500:041200
Discovery/Eurosport - 31.5Е: 12071:H:30000 0500:051200,022A00,041F00
Discovery Europe - 9Е/21.6E: 0500:061200 9E 11881 V 30000 21.6E 10723 V 32115
Eurosport 1,2 HD RUS - 13E 11334 H: 0500:061200
18+ - 13E/19E: 0500:050F00
SRG SSR - 13E: 0500:060200
Tivusat Italy - 13E (All SD, HD, 4K): 183E:000000
Sky Italy - 13E: (09CD:000000) Italia 1 HD, Rete 4 HD, Canale5 HD, 20Mediaset HD, TV8 HD, Nove, cielo HD, Iris HD, Cine34 HD, La7d HD, 24Twentyseven HD, La5 HD, La7 HD, Mediaset Italia2 HD, Mediaset Extra HD, TOPcrime HD, Giallo, DMAX Italy, Realtime Italy, Food Network Italy, HGTV Italy, Focus HD, MotorTrend, VH1 HD, Super!, Fresbee, K2
Digi TV - 0.8W: 1802:000000,002011,002111
UPC Direc (Direct One) - 0.6W: 0d97:000004,000008,00000C,000010
Telekom Romania TEST - 39E: 092f:000000
Focussat - 0.8W: 0B02:000000
Freesat Romania - 16E: 0B02:000000
PolSat (PolSat Box) - 13E: 1803:000000,007001,007101
Platforma Canal+ (Cyfra+) - 13E: 1884:000000
ORF Digital - 19E: 0D98:000004,000008,00000C,000010
Sky Deutschland - 19E: 098D:000000 (Enigma2 + Oscam icam)
M7 Deutschland (Kabelkiosk) - 9Е: 0B00:000000 Kinomir, Telebom/Teledom, TNT Russia, Ostwest, Rtvi
Sky UK - 28.2E: (0963:000000) More4, Channel 4+1, E4+1, Gold, alibi, W, SkySp Racing, ComedyCentral+1, ComedyCentral, ComedyXtra, MTV Hits, MTV Music, Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network+1, TCM Movies, TCM+1, Boomerang, Boomerang+1, Cartoonito, Film4, mehrere XXX Sender, ColorsRishtey, ColorsCineplex, TLC, Channel4, TLC+1, Discovery Turbo+1, Zee TV, B4U Music, London Live, COLORS, B4U Movies, Sony SAB, Sony Max2, MTV, MTV Base, MTV Classic, Comedy Xtra, Utsav Plus, Utsav Gold, Utsav Bharat, Dolf +1, W+1, alibi+1, NickJrPawPatrol, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon+1, Nick Jr. , Nick Jr.+1, Nickelodeon, Discovery, Animal Planet, Discovery Science, Discovery History, DiscoveryTurbo, ID, Animal Planet +1, Discovery +1, ID+1, Dicovery History+1, Local TV, SonyTV, Sony Max2, Eden
Skylink (Czech) - 23.5E: 0624:000000
Antik Sat (Czech) - 16E: 0B00:000000
Canal Digitaal (Nederland) - 23.5E: 1817:00006A
Yes - 4W: (mpeg-2 only) 090D:000000
D-SMART (DigiTurk)- 42E: (with oscam or wicardd) 092B:000000
Max TV - 16E: 1830:000000
Total TV (Pink TV) - 16E: 0629:000000
HD+ - 19E: 1830:000000
Alem TV (Big Bang) - 52E: 0B02:000000
NTV+ Vostok - 56E: 0500:050C00,050A00
MTS (Raduga TV) - 75E: 0618:000000, 0628:000000, 0632:000000, 0634:000000, 0662:000000, 0652:000000
Raduga TV - 36E: 0659:000000 12564 H (Fox, National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild)
Русский Мир - 56E: 44A0:000000
NTV Plus - 36E: 0500:050A00,060A00
Telekarta - 80E: 0602:00,06,0B,11,1A,27,2F,32,4C,40,8E,91,9A,9B,A1,BD,71,82,FFFF, 0B00:000000

Server-3 Packs:
BulSatCom, Digital+, DigiTV, TivuSat, НТВ+ Восток, HTB+(060C00), Sky United Kingdom, PolSat, HD+, Телекарта, НТВ+ (060A00), Focus Sat, ORF, 0500:041200, 0940:000000, 093E:000000, 0500:051A00, 0500:042300, 0500:040810, SkyLink, SkyLink_0D96, Cyfra+0B01, DIGITV Hungary (1880), NC+(1884), PolSat(1861), UPС Direct, SkyDE-098D, TV Vlaanderen, Adult Channels, HD+ (1830)


CardSharing VIP-ALL
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-3:
Sky_DE, Bulsatcom, Digi, TivuSat, NTV_Plus_Vostok, NTV_Plus, Sky_UK, Polsat, HD_Plus, Telekarta, Focus_Sat, ORF, SkyLink, Cyfra, NC_Plus, UPC_Direct, TV_Vlaanderen, Porno

Prices CardSharing Server-3:
0.50,-€/1day_test     6.00,-€/1month     12.00,-€/2months     17.00,-€/3months     33.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

CardSharing VIP-ALL
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-5:
Bulsatcom, NTV_Plus, Polaris, Dozhd, SetantaSports, Love_Nature, myzen, Museum4K, Porno, English_Club, Eurosport2, TNT_SAT, Bis, SRG_Swiss, Sky_DE, TivuSat, Polsat, NC_Plus, Sky_UK, Focus_Sat, FreeSat, Digi, UPC_Direct, SkyLink, AntikSat, AlemTV, ORF, HD_Plus, Telekarta, D_Smart, NTV_Plus_Vostok, Raduga

Prices CardSharing Server-5:
0.50,-€/1day_test    1.00-€/3days_test    1.50,-€/7days_test    5.00,-€/1month    10.00,-€/2months    14.00,-€/3months    27.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

Sky Italy:
Italia 1 HD, Rete 4 HD, Canale5 HD, 20Mediaset HD, TV8 HD, Nove, cielo HD, Iris HD, Cine34 HD, La7d HD, 24Twentyseven HD, La5 HD, La7 HD, Mediaset Italia2 HD, Mediaset Extra HD, TOPcrime HD, Giallo, DMAX Italy, Realtime Italy, Food Network Italy, HGTV Italy, Focus HD, MotorTrend, VH1 HD, Super!, Fresbee, K2

More4, Channel 4+1, E4+1, Gold, alibi, W, SkySp Racing, ComedyCentral+1, ComedyCentral, ComedyXtra, MTV Hits, MTV Music, Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network+1, TCM Movies, TCM+1, Boomerang, Boomerang+1, Cartoonito, Film4, mehrere XXX Sender, ColorsRishtey, ColorsCineplex, TLC, Channel4, TLC+1, Discovery Turbo+1, Zee TV, B4U Music, London Live, COLORS, B4U Movies, Sony SAB, Sony Max2, MTV, MTV Base, MTV Classic, Comedy Xtra, Utsav Plus, Utsav Gold, Utsav Bharat, Dolf +1, W+1, alibi+1, NickJrPawPatrol, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon+1, Nick Jr. , Nick Jr.+1, Nickelodeon, Discovery, Animal Planet, Discovery Science, Discovery History, DiscoveryTurbo, ID, Animal Planet +1, Discovery +1, ID+1, Dicovery History+1, Local TV, SonyTV, Sony Max2, Eden

Kinomir, Telebom/Teledom, TNT Russia, Ostwest, Rtvi

Sky DE: Enigma2 + Oscam icam

  • 80
Details/Ordering Comments (1) Views: 112 298

Author: Master 26-12-2024, 06:55
Cardsharing Packages
CardSharing Offers, CardSharing VIP-Europe

    CardSharing VIP-Europe  
(CardSharing Offers)
on Astra at 4.9°E, Hot Bird at 13.0°E, Astra at 19.2°E, ABS at 75.0°E, Amos 2/3 at 4.0°W

  • Sky Deutschland
  • BulSatCom
  • Digital+
  • DigiTV
  • TivuSat
  • Sky United Kingdom
  • PolSat
  • HD+
  • 0500:041200
  • 0940:000000
  • 093E:000000
  • 0500:051A00
  • 0500:042300
  • 0500:040810
  • Cyfra+0B01
  • DIGITV Hungary (1880)
  • NC+(1884)
  • PolSat(1861)
  • UPС Direct
  • SkyDE-098D
  • TV Vlaanderen
  • Adult Channel
  • HD+ (1830)
  • HTB+ (New-56)

Bulsatcom 39E/ Polaris 1.9E:  4AEE:000000
Dozhd Channel 31.5E/56E:  0500:041200
Setanta Sports 31.5Е 12071/H:30000:  0500:041200,022A00
Love nature 4K, MyZen 4K, Museum 4K Hotbird 13E/10727 H 30000, 12539 H 30000:  0500:0500:051A00,051A10,051A40
18+ 13E/19E:  0500:050F00
English Club TV HD 5E/ 11747:V:30000: 0500:041200
Eurosport 2 HD 13E/5E: 10892:13E / 12361:5E  0500:041F00,051200
TNT SAT 13E:  0500:030B00
BIS TV 13E:  0500:051A00,051A10,051A40
SRG SSR 13E:  0500:050800
SKY Germany 19E: 098D:000000 (with oscam icam)
Tivusat Italy 13E: (11766 V 29900 Rai 4K) 183E:000000
PolSat 13E:  1803:000000,007001,007101
NC+ (Cyfra+) 13E:  1884:000000
Sky UK - 28.2E: (0963:000000) More4, Channel 4+1, E4+1, Gold, alibi, W, SkySp Racing, ComedyCentral+1, ComedyCentral, ComedyXtra, MTV Hits, MTV Music, Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network+1, TCM Movies, TCM+1, Boomerang, Boomerang+1, Cartoonito, Film4, mehrere XXX Sender, ColorsRishtey, ColorsCineplex, TLC, Channel4, TLC+1, Discovery Turbo+1, Zee TV, B4U Music, London Live, COLORS, B4U Movies, Sony SAB, Sony Max2, MTV, MTV Base, MTV Classic, Comedy Xtra, Utsav Plus, Utsav Gold, Utsav Bharat, Dolf +1, W+1, alibi+1, NickJrPawPatrol, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon+1, Nick Jr. , Nick Jr.+1, Nickelodeon, Discovery, Animal Planet, Discovery Science, Discovery History, DiscoveryTurbo, ID, Animal Planet +1, Discovery +1, ID+1, Dicovery History+1, Local TV, SonyTV, Sony Max2, Eden
Focus Sat 0.8W:  0B02:000000
Freesat Romania 16E:  0B02:000000
Digi TV HU 0.8W:  1802:000000,002011,002111
UPC Direct HU 0.8W:  0d97:000004,000008,00000C,000010
Skylink CZ 23.5E: 0624:000000
Antiksat CZ 16E:  0B00:000000
ORF DIGITAL Austria 19E:  0D98:000004,000008,00000C,000010
HD+ DE 19E:  1830:000000
D-SMART 42E:  092B:000000 (oscam or wicardd)


CardSharing VIP-Europe
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-3:
Bulsatcom, Digi, HD_Plus, NC_Plus, Polsat, RTVi, SRG, Sky_DE, TivuSat, UPC_Direct, SES_Ukraine, Sky_UK, TV_Vlaanderen, Porno

Prices CardSharing Server-3:
0.50,-€/1day_test    5.00,-€/1month    10.00,-€/2months    14.00,-€/3months    19.00,-€/4months    24.00,-€/5months    27.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

CardSharing VIP-Europe
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-5:
Bulsatcom, Bis, SRG, Sky_DE, TivuSat, Polsat, NC_Plus, Sky_UK, Focus_Sat, FreeSat, Digi, UPC_Direct, SkyLink, AntikSat, ORF, HD_Plus, D_Smart, Love_Nature, Dozhd, SetantaSports, Porno, Love_Nature, English_Club, Eurosport2

Prices CardSharing Server-5:
0.50,-€/1day_test    1.00-€/3days_test    1.50,-€/7days_test    4.00,-€/1month    8.00,-€/2months    11.00,-€/3months    15.00,-€/4months    19.00,-€/5months    21.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

Sky Italy:
Italia 1 HD, Rete 4 HD, Canale5 HD, 20Mediaset HD, TV8 HD, Nove, cielo HD, Iris HD, Cine34 HD, La7d HD, 24Twentyseven HD, La5 HD, La7 HD, Mediaset Italia2 HD, Mediaset Extra HD, TOPcrime HD, Giallo, DMAX Italy, Realtime Italy, Food Network Italy, HGTV Italy, Focus HD, MotorTrend, VH1 HD, Super!, Fresbee, K2

More4, Channel 4+1, E4+1, Gold, alibi, W, SkySp Racing, ComedyCentral+1, ComedyCentral, ComedyXtra, MTV Hits, MTV Music, Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network+1, TCM Movies, TCM+1, Boomerang, Boomerang+1, Cartoonito, Film4, mehrere XXX Sender, ColorsRishtey, ColorsCineplex, TLC, Channel4, TLC+1, Discovery Turbo+1, Zee TV, B4U Music, London Live, COLORS, B4U Movies, Sony SAB, Sony Max2, MTV, MTV Base, MTV Classic, Comedy Xtra, Utsav Plus, Utsav Gold, Utsav Bharat, Dolf +1, W+1, alibi+1, NickJrPawPatrol, Nicktoons, Nickelodeon+1, Nick Jr. , Nick Jr.+1, Nickelodeon, Discovery, Animal Planet, Discovery Science, Discovery History, DiscoveryTurbo, ID, Animal Planet +1, Discovery +1, ID+1, Dicovery History+1, Local TV, SonyTV, Sony Max2, Eden

Kinomir, Telebom/Teledom, TNT Russia, Ostwest, Rtvi

Sky DE: Enigma2 + Oscam icam

  • 80
Details/Ordering Comments (5) Views: 139 048

Author: Master 25-12-2024, 18:54
Cardsharing Packages
CardSharing Offers, CardSharing VIP-HotBird

    CardSharing VIP-HotBird  
(CardSharing Offers)
on Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A/13B/13C at 13.0°E

  • PolSat
  • 0500:051A00
  • 0500:042300
  • 0500:040810
  • Cyfra+0B01
  • NC+(1884)
  • PolSat(1861)
  • Adult Channel
- 1884:000000 - 702
- 0B01:000000 - 726
- 1813:000000,000068 - cccam only - 777, camd3 - 770

- MgCamd1.46 and high

- CCcam 2.3.9 and high

- Wicardd 1.19 - force_crypted_cw = 1

- OScam - disablecrccws=1

PolSat plus Caid 1861:000000 port 728
- in filter 728 caid 1861:000000

CardSharing VIP-HotBird
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-3:
Polsat, NC_Plus, TivuSat, Porno

Prices CardSharing Server-3:
0.50,-€/1day_test    5.00,-€/1month    10.00,-€/2months    14.00,-€/3months    27.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

  • 80
Details/Ordering Comments (4) Views: 127 758

Author: Master 25-12-2024, 06:48
Cardsharing Packages
CardSharing Offers, CardSharing VIP-Hungary (UPC+Digi)

    CardSharing VIP-Hungary (UPC+Digi)  
(CardSharing Offers)
on Thor 5/6 & Intelsat 10-02 at 0.8°W

Cardsharing Hungary

Focus Sat 0.8W0B02:000000
Freesat 16E0B02:000000
Digi 0.6W1802:000000,002011,002111
Direct One (UPC Direct) 0.6W

  • DigiTV
  • DIGITV Hungary (1880)
  • UPС Direct


CardSharing VIP-Hungary (UPC+Digi)
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-3:
Digi, UPC_Direct

Prices CardSharing Server-3:
0.50,-€/1day_test    1.00-€/3days_test    5.00,-€/1month    10.00,-€/2months    14.00,-€/3months    27.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

CardSharing VIP-Hungary (UPC+Digi)
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-5:
Digi, UPC_Direct, Focus_Sat, FreeSat

Prices CardSharing Server-5:
0.50,-€/1day_test    1.00-€/3days_test    4.00,-€/1month    8.00,-€/2months    11.00,-€/3months    21.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

  • 60
Details/Ordering Comments (4) Views: 189 638

Author: Master 22-12-2024, 18:31
Cardsharing Packages

CardSharing VIP-Czech
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-5:
SkyLink, AntikSat

Prices CardSharing Server-5:
4.00,-€/1month    8.00,-€/2months    11.00,-€/3months    21.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

  • 60
Details/Ordering Comments (0) Views: 75 221

Author: Master 21-12-2024, 06:52
Cardsharing Packages
CardSharing Offers, CardSharing VIP-Russia

    CardSharing VIP-Russia  
(CardSharing Offers)
on Eutelsat 36A/36B at 36.0°E

NTV+ 36E
NTV+ Vostok 56E

3new ident for NTV+: - 060C00 - 050C00 - 060A00

CardSharing VIP-Russia
Pack-Content for CardSharing Server-5:
NTV_Plus, NTV_Plus_Vostok

Prices CardSharing Server-5:
4.00,-€/1month    8.00,-€/2months    15.00,-€/3months    29.00,-€/6months    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

  • 60
Details/Ordering Comments (0) Views: 63 847

Author: Master 7-12-2024, 16:47
Cardsharing Packages / IPTV Packages / Servers Cardsharing / Servers IPTV
FUNCAM Renewal, Server FUNCAM (Sharing, IPTV)

    Server FUNCAM (Sharing, IPTV)  
(FUNCAM Renewal)
on All Devices

TV Service (Allows you to watch selected TV channels.) incl. SPAIN!!!

Server FUNCAM (Sharing, IPTV)
Pack-Content for FUNCAM-Server Renewal Europe:
renewal_funcam, renewal_funcam_eu, Channels_Europe, Channels_Spain, Channels_Poland, Channels_Hungary, Channels_Greece

Prices FUNCAM-Server Renewal Europe:
5.00,-€/1month FUNCAM Sharing Europe     12.00-€/3months FUNCAM Sharing Europe     45.00,-€/12months FUNCAM Sharing Europe    

     Ordering/Renewal FUNCAM-Server Renewal Europe! 

TV Service
Allows you to watch selected TV channels. (FUNCAM in EUROPE. Spain ACTIVE!)

Server FUNCAM (Sharing, IPTV)
Pack-Content for FUNCAM-Server Renewal World:

Prices FUNCAM-Server Renewal World:
2.00,-€/1month FUNCAM Sharing All World (eccept Europe)     5.00-€/3months FUNCAM Sharing All World (eccept Europe)     13.00,-€/12months FUNCAM Sharing All World (eccept Europe)    

TV Service
Allows you to watch selected TV channels. (FUNCAM all the World, eccept EUROPE.)

Server FUNCAM (Sharing, IPTV)
Pack-Content for FUNCAM-Server Renewal VIP:
renewal_funcam, Channels_Europe, renew_vip_service

Prices FUNCAM-Server Renewal VIP:
40.00,-€/6months VIP Package All World+Europe     75.00-€/12months VIP Package All World+Europe    
Free Test 24 hours for NEW USERS!

VIP Service
The top-tier service that encompasses all services. Once VIP time is valid, all services are automatically accessible.
this service is for VIP PACKAGE Subscription for: BeIN SPORTS, DSTV, AlKaas, ZAP, Canal SAT, SKY..etc

  • 0
Details/Ordering Comments (0) Views: 48 549

  Cardsharing, IPTV Servers   Best Offers:
CardSharing VIP-ALL
CardSharing VIP-Europe
CardSharing VIP-Russia
CardSharing VIP-HotBird
CardSharing VIP-Hungary (UPC+Digi)
CardSharing VIP-Czech
Server FUNCAM (Sharing, IPTV)
  Cardsharing, IPTV Servers   OnLine Stats:
  • Total on Site: (CardSharing, IPTV User 6)
    Guests: (CardSharing, IPTV Guest 4)
    Guest Guest Guest Guest
    Robots: (CardSharing, IPTV Robot 1)
    Users: (CardSharing, IPTV User 1)

  •     View Stats   (active from 2025 Jan,30)

    Cardsharing, IPTV General menu  Last Comments:

  • Check Comments!
      • jawa69 08.02.2025
        IPTV VIP-ALL (3)
        Hallo!, I took the test bot i don t know where to find the link to the m3u playlist ?

        Hallo!, I took the test bot i don t know where to find the link to the m3u playlist ?

        Hallo!, I took the test bot i don t know where to find the link to the m3u playlist ?

        Hallo!, I took the test bot i don t know where to find the link to the m3u playlist ?
      • Master 08.02.2025
        IPTV VIP-ALL (3)
        any test NOT IN COMMENTS!!!!! - use PM!!!!!!
      • Master 08.02.2025
        IPTV Reseller-Program (9)
        Hi. more info - write me PM.
      • wificorfu 08.02.2025
        IPTV Reseller-Program (9)
        Hello i need more information o reseller
      • Master 08.02.2025
        IPTV VIP-ALL (3)
        Alem active on server-5
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